Baltimore Area Prepares for Impending Snowstorm

Publication Date: 2024-01-16

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Whether seeing snow in the forecast elicits feelings of dread or joy, depends a lot on what you do for a living. For Vincent Ayd, the owner of AYD Hardware in Towson, it means an opportunity to sell shovels and clear his inventory. Ayd expressed his excitement, stating, "I have inventory that I'd like to sell this year because storing inventory is not a good thing. Today - the first customer was ice melt. Second was a snow shovel. So hopefully we're gonna get to where we need to be in reducing this inventory level." Ahmed Turay, a commuter from Baltimore to Rockville, opted for a snow day due to the unfavorable road conditions. The State Highway Administration advises people to stay off the roads if possible. Turay shared his plans for the day, saying, "Just hang out at home, play my Nintendo Switch, and just enjoy my day - my first snow day in what feels like 500 years. I'm normally not a snow person but it's been a while since we've seen snow, so I'm pretty excited." Road crews have been proactive in their preparations, pre-treating the roads with salt brine on Sunday to minimize ice accumulation. However, the main snowfall event is expected tonight and into tomorrow. Charlie Gischlar, a spokesperson for the State Highway Administration, assured the public that crews would be working tirelessly to remove icy patches. Gischlar also advised drivers to check the department's website for real-time updates on plow locations and plan their routes accordingly. Gischlar emphasized the importance of not crowding the plows, stating, "We want people to stay behind our equipment, particularly when we have them all linked up into a snowplow train. Every year, someone tries to pass the plows and ends up needing assistance. So stay behind our equipment; they're literally clearing a path for you." The threat of icy roads led to the cancellation of Baltimore's MLK Day parade, disappointing representatives from the national unity platform in Uganda. However, the city plans to reschedule the event to a later date. Robert Kabuie, a member of the political movement, expressed his optimism, saying, "I hope they will soon. Even if next year - we will come. We will sleep in the snow. We will come."

Baltimore News


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